
Can Nuclear Energy be considered green?

6 March 2023 Environment European Politics

10 min

The debate whether  nuclear energy can be considered a green energy has been ongoing for decades, and both sides – those who agree and those that don’t – seem to be entrenched in their positions. However, the topic of nuclear energy has re-surged once again. The reason for this is the current energy crisis taking place in the EU and the urgent need to find alternative energy sources and lower the European energy market’s dependency on Russian supplies.

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The future of Euro-African relationships between the Post-Cotonou agreement and the energy crisis

27 February 2023 European Politics

9 min

A new strategic partnership between the European Union and the African Union is set to be ratified, yet  European and African relationships still continue to be affected by economic and political whirlwinds at the international level. This underlines both a lack of deep commitment and a strategic short-sightedness from the European Union, paving the way for Chinese presence in Africa and hindering the stance of the EU in the world.

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Putin’s War or Russia’s War?

24 February 2023 Russian Invasion of Ukraine Security

6 min

[OPINION] It has been  a year since the full-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine trembled the whole world. After its beginning, in Europe, it is highly debated that the Russo-Ukrainian War is not supposed to be treated as a war of Russia against Ukraine, but rather as a Kremlin’s or Putin’s war against Ukraine. It is done in order to deviate the responsibility of the Russian people in a genocidal war that started not in 2022, but in 2014. Nonetheless it is evident that the responsibility for this war directly lies on the shoulders of ordinary Russians. 

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The future of energy in Europe between COP27 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: an interview with Suzana Carp

20 February 2023 Energy Security European Politics

8 min

This year (2022) has represented an important upheaval in energy matters in Europe, in terms of energy (in)dependence, transition to renewables, supplies and prices, both due to the increasingly worrying climate crisis and following Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. The European Union (EU) has proved to be still too dependent on other countries, such as Russia, when it comes to energy supplies and still too reliant on gas rather than on renewable energy sources.

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