Ukraine’s perspective in green energy substitution for the European market and European divestment from the Russian fossil fuels
9 February 2023
Energy Security European Politics
Lev Zinchenko
6 min
The Russian war in Ukraine has highlighted the European States’ dependency on Russian fossil fuel production. In fact, it led to the ongoing energy crisis which asserted its impact throughout the continent and extended even beyond. This current scenario has led to several discussions concerning the European energy market, and whether there is an existing solution to the substitution of the ramped-up fossil fuel production (to lower the prices) with green initiatives. On 17th November 2022, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyi reaffirmed that at the end of the Russo-Ukrainian war, Ukraine “is capable of becoming a key partner of the European Union for the purposes of decarbonization”. Thus, Ukraine has a lot of potential in the advancement of renewable energy, a solution that seems to be feasible and meets every involved actor’s needs.
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