
YCPC: Youth Conference on Political Campaigning

25 September 2018

When: 13 October 2018 @ 09:00 – 19:00
Where: Institut d'études européennes / Université Libre de Bruxelles

  WHY? European Elections 2019 are drawing nearer and during the last EP elections only 28 % of 18-24 year-olds cast their ballot! How can we encourage young people to[…]

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4 September 2018

When: 22 September 2018 all-day
Where: Leopold Parc

What? A first-year warm up of a European Democracy festival. Democracy and conversation festivals are embedded in the Nordic and Baltic countries’ DNA, where some of them have been growing for[…]

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Conférence: Si tu pollues, tu payes?

12 June 2018

When: 24 April 2018 @ 18:00 – 20:15

Avec SAIES, la Délégation Specque de l’ULB, Ecolo J ULB et CEE&T on a organisé la conférence “Si tu pollues, tu payes” le 24 avril 2018. Nos intervenants Nicolas de[…]

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