YCPC: Youth Conference on Political Campaigning
25 September 2018 /
WHY? European Elections 2019 are drawing nearer and during the last EP elections only 28 % of 18-24 year-olds cast their ballot! How can we encourage young people to get involved in the political process?
WHO? JEF Brussels, SAIES and Eyes on Europe are organising the first YCPC – Youth Conference on Political Campaigning with the support of JEF Europe and IEE under ULB’s theme ‘Europe of knowledge’. (http://europe-connaissance.ulb.be/fr)
WHERE? Institut d’étude europennes, Room Spaak and Geremek (Workshops), ULB Campus Solbosch – UB4.136 (Panel Discussion)
WHEN? October 13th from 9-15 Workshop Part, 16-18 Panel Discussion
WHAT? This day-long conference will consist of four interactive workshops and a panel discussion.
- Civic participation in the context of the election
- Social media strategies in the context of the 2019 elections
- The place of journalism in political campaigning
- Party Political Youth Organisations and their engagement in the election
2019 European Election : What place for youth ?
PLEASE SIGN UP HERE (Only 30 places available) :
+++ https://goo.gl/eTJGNT +++
Our Facebook Event: https://goo.gl/F5TFDB
Divided into a workshop part in the morning and afternoon and a panel discussion in the late afternoon, this interactive event aims to engage dialogue with young people on Political Campaigning in order to encourage them to get involved in politics as statistics show that our youth is generally unrepresented but at the same time the most affected in our society.
We want to familiarize youth with the challenges and hot topics of the 2019 EU elections and we aim to show ways how the next generation can engage in this process. Hence, we want to pay special attention to topics, such as the special challenges and opportunities of the digital era in electoral Campaigning, the myth of “fake news”, how to make political communication more “bottom-up” through youth engagement etc.